BELIEVERS FELLOWSHIP CHURCH is a Non-Denominational church that comes together as a family to worship God. We strive to grow as Christ-Followers by applying what we learn from the Bible. We live to show others our Savior, Jesus Christ, by LOVING! SERVING! and INVESTING! in people's lives. Ultimately, the goal is to HONOR GOD in all we do!
Our encouragement to you is this; there is forgiveness through Jesus Christ's love, mercy, and grace! One must believe on Jesus as the Son of God, His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead for salvation. This is the only way to heaven (John 14:6), and it is a free gift to you, if you would receive it. We believe that God's presence in us through the Holy Spirit should influence every area of our life: our family, our friends, and the way we worship God in our work, rest and play.